Alessio Molteni Dot Com

Archive for Ottobre, 2009

Windows 7 64 bit – Cisco VPN with CygWin VPNC client

by on Ott.28, 2009, under Tutorials

I’ve found that Cisco did not release their VPN Client for 64 bit machines…. so…. who cares !
The problem could be addressed using cygwin and vpnc opensource client.
This tutorial is suitable for people who are a little bit confortable with unix like shell or similar, I will not detail every step such as the cygwin installation steps.
Let’s begin !
P.s I based this article starting from what I’ve found here , thanks to “Salty”.
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Google spam / scam alla nigeriana??

by on Ott.17, 2009, under News

Oggi mi è arrivato un simpatico tweet (su twitter dunque 😉 ) che recitava così:

“@amolteni Anyone needing jobs? Google is taking workers! I started 3 days ago. Made $67 so far! Very


Bene prestate attenzione perché questo link vi porta ad una pagina che vi chiede soldi, dicendovi che vi arriverà a casa un fantastico kit per lavorare da casa con Google e guadagnare un mucchio di altri soldi!!! Beeeeeello no?? Peccato sia tutto falso e vi fregano solo i vostri amati soldini 😉

Quindi occhio se finite su questo sito:



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